the brother || a birthday
My brother, Christopher, he’s the only boy of the Semenoff sibling set. Three girls, one boy. As such, he’s always been a little outnumbered.
But, despite his lack of a bro to call his own, he is one of the pair of middles — me being the other — and over the ages, he and I have bonded over this shared placement in the hierarchy of kids. Some say we share one brain (ahem – Emily – ahem), some say we are more twin-like than our three year age difference should allow, some say we should lay off the coffee (ahem – Emily again – ahem). But one thing that can be said about all four of us, is we are a tight-knit group. The Denver Four, as one out of town cousin once branded us. We have each others’ backs through thick and thin. Not a day goes by when I’m not in contact with each of them in some way (text messages, phone calls, Twitter shout-outs). When we were up in Aspen a few weekends ago, someone observed that we always seem to be huddled together, traveling in a pack. And, frankly, we wouldn’t be nearly the same strong pack without our brother.
So, Christopher, on this your birthday, we the sister portion of the Denver Four would like to wish you a very happy day. You are such a comfort in times of trouble, a quick-wit when we need a laugh, and an inspiration as you take the steps to create the life you want.
Much love to you, twin-face. I raise my coffee mug to you this morning.
Happy Birthday.