Posts Tagged family
March 25, 2013 by Anya Elise
little black boxes || fancy phone photos
Sometimes you have to reduce life to little black boxes. Contain all the madness into an itty-bitty square. Especially when that madness comes in the form of your loved ones. Sorry loved ones. Don’t take it personally. (I think I might be in trouble for something. That looks like a serious face.) (For a while, […]Archives
November 27, 2012 by Anya Elise
scuffle and sparkle || a love letter
Dearest friends, There’s always been a certain sparkle factor that I associate with this season of holiday-ness. There’s a promise of magic and happy tidings, coziness, hot cocoa, parties, bubbly beverages, decorating with twinkle lights and greenery, yuletide coffee (OK, that’s not a thing…or maybe it could be, who’s with me?). And yet, I know […]Archives
December 27, 2011 by Anya Elise
a holiday at home || Christmas roundup
Christmas time was here. And then it wasn’t…really quickly. It’s like a drive-by holiday: arrives before you expect it, happens within a blink, and then has disappeared and two days more have past in a matter of seconds. The Semenoff clan spent the holiday at home, mostly in our pajamas, watching really Christmasy movies like […]Archives
December 12, 2011 by Anya Elise