Posts Tagged Hipstamatic
January 11, 2012 by Anya Elise
lines and blurs || an update
This has been a week, my friends, of brain-filling and work-doing and snow. It has proven to be difficult and expansive and yet, still very promising. This week: I’ve worked in my 9-to-5 world what feels like nonstop since last Saturday (though it has only been daily doses of eight hours each). I’ve been trained […]Archives
December 27, 2011 by Anya Elise
a holiday at home || Christmas roundup
Christmas time was here. And then it wasn’t…really quickly. It’s like a drive-by holiday: arrives before you expect it, happens within a blink, and then has disappeared and two days more have past in a matter of seconds. The Semenoff clan spent the holiday at home, mostly in our pajamas, watching really Christmasy movies like […]Archives
July 12, 2011 by Anya Elise
the tetons, Shakespeare || Yellowstone vacation
Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears. OK, that’s enough Shakespeare for one night. A girl can only take so much. This weekend I was up in Yellowstone camping and exploring and absorbing the absolutely beautiful land up there. If you’ve never been I implore you to go as soon as possible. It’s rejuvenating, inspiring […]Archives
June 15, 2011 by Anya Elise