Posts Tagged YourHub The Denver Post
August 20, 2014 by Anya Elise
wedding dresses and the county fair || yourhub photojournalism
Summer in Colorado takes us outside quite a bit. You can’t ignore 300(-plus!) days of sunshine and not fully embrace it in the super-sunny summer. Also, summer is the season for county fairs. And as YourHub is the community/county department at the Denver Post, we can’t very well not go visit with some county-fair-bound animals […]Archives
March 22, 2013 by Anya Elise
mandolins and swing sets || YourHub photojournalism
It’s Friday night, 9 p.m., and it dawns on me that I haven’t shared this week’s YourHub post with you fine folk. Forgive me for not going more in depth tonight. I covered seven assignments in the past 36 hours and my brain has decided to hibernate. Which works out quite well as snow is […]Archives
March 18, 2013 by Anya Elise
the K9 unit || YourHub photojournalism
One of my favorite stories to work on for YourHub thus far involved giant padded suits, a sporting arena, a Frenchman, and dogs. Lots of them. (The dogs, not the Frenchman.) Jimmy Vanhove is a world-renowned, much sought after dog trainer. He preps dogs for sports training (that is, dog shows). He also works with […]Archives
March 15, 2013 by Anya Elise