Posts Tagged Christmas
December 1, 2011 by Anya Elise
And thus, it was December || Colorado weather
Welcome, to the twelfth month. (And on a related note, have you ever noticed how difficult it is to say and spell “twelfth” when you think about it too much? I’m here to ask the tough questions.) In other news, Colorado welcomed December today with a good dose of the cold, wet, frozen water from above. It […]Archives
November 29, 2011 by Anya Elise
the hunt || Christmas tree video
the hunt || Christmas tree video from anya semenoff on Vimeo. Every year, my family and I head into the mountains to a section of the forest that has an open season on trees. Trees to be cut down that is. (See evidence of last year’s trip here.) We decided long ago, before my memory […]Archives
December 25, 2010 by Anya Elise
Christmas || Be merry, happy and well
On this day of merriment and joy, I hope you are all well, safe and in the exact place you most wish to be. Thank you for sharing this past year with me. You all make this adventure so much more meaningful and happy. To say I’m thankful would be putting it much too lightly. […]Archives
December 1, 2010 by Anya Elise