Posts Tagged travel
July 6, 2011 by Anya Elise
the fourth || holiday adventure video
Location: Fort Laramie, Wyo. Date: July 4, 2011 Characters: My family (And those guys up there. I don’t really know who they are.) Goal: To celebrate Independence Day. And drink sasparilla sarsparilla sarsaparilla. (Though first we have to figure out how to spell sarsaparilla. Seriously, who spells a word like that?)Archives
June 6, 2011 by Anya Elise
vacationing || Orlando family trip
ORLANDO–Location: Orlando International Airport. Destination: Denver. Our Family Trip 2011 has quickly come to an end. Amazing how fast adventuring time flies by. It’s a time-space continuum thing. Seriously, just ask Einstein. We had a momentous time exploring the land a la’ Disney. The rides, the thrills, the food, the lines, the humidity, the characters, […]Archives
January 9, 2011 by Anya Elise
“Go places” || 2010 travel roundup
So yes, the first week of January is behind us. As such, I think there’s some sort of law in the blogging world that says I’m no longer supposed to do 2010-in-review posts. But I’m a rebel. I’ve gone rogue. All I need is a snappy slogan. I was backing up all my photos from […]Archives
September 15, 2010 by Anya Elise