true color || Colorado sunset
Editing is a natural step in everything we do.
We edit our appearances before we leave our house in the morning with what clothes we choose to wear, the makeup we apply, the hairdo we style. (The copious amounts of coffee we drink…)
We edit our voices in what we say in a text message to our sister as opposed to a work email to our boss; over a phone conversation with a close college friend, as opposed to one with an insurance agent.
In photography, we edit down the number of photos we take in any given shoot to a group of images we feel best represents the story. We edit the tone and exposure of the photo. We edit how we choose to share those photos across the many media available to us.
Yet, in the midst of all this routine editing, sometimes you come across a moment that is so beautiful in and of itself, it requires no modification.
Like this.
I snapped this with my fancy phone Saturday evening after an uplifting and gorgeous engagement session in Boulder. I haven’t altered it all. It is as it was: perfect.