Athenas with attitude || Guest post, pt. 2
And now, the exciting conclusion to our European Guest Post Fantastique, from the ever-fabulous, Emily. When we left off, she was detailing her 10 most favorite sights of London and Paris.
I’m sorry for the delay in getting this on here tonight. I meant to have this rolling first thing today, but I got caught up wrangling dogies (translation: I attended the National Western Stock Show today, more on that later).
So, without further ado, excuses, babbling or pause, heeeeeeere’s Emily!
(I clearly missed my calling being a nighttime talk show announcer).
6. Shakespeare and Co.
Being a book nerd, this place ranked high in the top things to see in Paris. This place has such character – very much a hole in the wall. You should see the reading room on the second level – a maze of old books and places to sit.
And it is literally right across the street from Notre Dame. An ideal situation? I think so.