diptychs and triptychs || Weekend roundup
(This is really more of a 10-day roundup, as I have been woefully absent from a.e.photography lately. The above collection of photos was shot in San Francisco last weekend.)
Following the lead of our safe return flight from San Francisco to Denver last Monday, the past week was uneventful, smooth-flying, lacking in turbulence and all together a safe re-entry onto solid ground. (That was the kind of metaphor where you start off strong and then realize you have no idea how to stick the landing, but you go for it anyway.)
After the first two weeks of February, and the great muchness it contained, I longed for just such an uneventful week to recuperate. Luckily, it came to me. I needed to revel in it and soak it into my pores. And so I did.
However, sadly, this translated into a lackluster week on the blog posting front (apologies!). But, I’m back now! With pores all shiny from my Uneventfullness Facial! (I don’t even know what I’m talking about any more. So much for a smooth re-entry into blog posting. Eesh.)
So today, I bring you a bit of diptych/triptych goodness for the Weekend Roundup.